Jose Mourinho grieves the death of his dog

Jose Mourinho has revealed that he did not have a great Christmas this year. The Tottenham manager sadly lost his dog, Leya – a Yorkshire terrier, recently and it was his favourite as well.

Talking on Amazon Prime ahead of the Brighton and Hove Albion match, Jose told Jim Rosenthal:

“To be honest, it was very sad because my dog died and my dog is my favourite. So, very difficult, but we have to move on.”

Back in 2007, Mourinho was arrested after an argument with the police related to his dog. Reports revealed that he was questioned for breaking quarantine rules as Leya was taken in and out of the country.

A health officer and 2 policemen had gone to the former Chelsea manager’s house to take the dog away but Mourinho had sent the dog back to Portugal.

December has never been a great month for Mourinho as he was sacked twice in the final month of the year. Mourinho’s Christmas last year was also not a great one as he was sacked by Manchester United. The manager was sacked by Chelsea in December as well, back in 2015.

Our thoughts are with Jose Mourinho and his family right now. RIP Leya. 🌹

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